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Why are we conducting the Get Back to Healthy study?
The purpose of this research is to test whether a ‘back pain support system’ can help people with low back pain maintain improvements in their symptoms and physical activity levels after finishing a course of treatment with their outpatient physiotherapist at a hospital or treatment with their physiotherapist, chiropractor, or general practitioner (GP) in a public or private practice.
The study will also measure whether the back pain support system changes people’s use of hospital, medical and health services for low back pain.
The back pain support system will involve a health coaching program, delivered over the phone. The program is run by the Get Healthy Service®, which is part of NSW Health. The program will involve having a personal health coach to help support you to achieve healthy lifestyle goals that are important to you.
The back pain support system will be compared to the usual care people finishing physiotherapy treatment receive, which may include advice, education and exercises, to see if it better helps and supports you to manage your back pain after finishing physiotherapy treatment at the hospital.
Fill in some forms
Keep following the advice of your treating therapist
You may also be asked to take part in a health coaching program delivered over the phone